Cover and Protect Strips (CAPS)
Cover and Protect Strips (CAPS) are an anodized, weatherproof aluminum cover for the 3M fasteners on the frames. Most customers buy the CAPS strips for the front and rear windows, or in high-traffic areas. CAPS completely hide the 3M fasteners on the window frame and are sold in 96โ lengths that a customer will cut down to size. Available in Regular 1.25 width, CAPS Covers come in the white and bronze (brown) colors as shown below. To determine how many CAPS Covers you need, write down the measurements on the window frames that have 3M fasteners. Therefore, a white 36 x 60โ window frame with no center crossbars would look like this:
36โ (top frame)
36โ (bottom)
60โ (left side)
60โ (right side)
Since CAPS Covers come 96 inches, a 36 x 60โ White Window Frame with no crossbars would need 2 of our 1.25 x 96โ White CAPS Covers kits. If you have any questions on getting a DIY quote on white or bronze CAPS Covers, text a photo of your window frames and your full name to us at 407-719-6988โcell. Thank you